Why Need a Chassis Number
Your vehicle’s Chassis Number or VIN is something beyond a number and is your vehicle’s fortune of data. Various reasons and circumstances might expect you to decipher your Chassis number. They might include:
Acquisition of specific vehicular extra parts.
Guarantee the vehicle is pristine and afterward continue on toward know how to realize producing date of vehicle by skeleton number same, as conveyed by the vendor.
It permits guaranteeing that the vehicle is definitely not a taken ware.
We can get to know the burglary history of the vehicle.
WMI is a three-character long code that decodes the vehicle’s country of origin and the parent company/ manufacturer.
Decode of Country :-
The first character in the VIN denotes the country of origin and can be a letter or a numeric value
1,4 or 5: USA
M: India
J: Japan
K: South Korea, etc
Maker of Vehicle
The second character stands for the vehicle’s brand.
B for BMW
N for Nissan
A for Audi, etc.
Manufacturer Codes
The third character in the VIN represents the manufacturer or the parent company of the vehicle.
Vehicular Description Section – VDS
VDS is a six-character long number or code that tends to convey other crucial specifications of the vehicle like the model, body type, etc. These specifications include:
Vehicle Category:-
The fourth character in a chassis number represents the vehicle’s category.
C stands for scooter, etc.
Gear or Engine Capacity
The fifth character in a VIN represents the engine capacity of the vehicle.
Eg: For a Suzuki vehicle
A: 49 cc or less.
B: 50-69 cc
C: 70-79 cc
Engine Types
The sixth character in a VIN is usually the digits that represent the engine type used in the vehicle.
1-1 stroke single engine
3-2 stroke triple or quadruple engine, etc.
Design Versions/Sequence
The seventh character in VIN represents the version sequence represented with the numerical value with the alphabet.
Accuracy Levels
The accuracy check digit in the VIN is the eighth character.
Security Codes
The ninth character represents the vehicle’s security code.
Manufacturing Year
If you are buying a new vehicle, ensure to check this before striking a deal. The tenth character of almost all motor vehicles represents their manufacturing year. It is either in the form of a numerical digit or an alphabet.
Eg: The twelfth character from the range of A-Y represents the year from 2010-to 2030.
Note: I, O, Q are never used in a VIN.
So, bid farewell to the superficially new cars parked in the showroom but are quite older than expected.
Manufacturing Plant
The specific details lie here with the eleventh digit of the chassis number representing the code of the vehicle’s manufacturing plants.
Month of Manufacture and Serial No
The last six characters i.e, from the twelfth to seventeenth represent the vehicle’s serial number. The Twelfth character usually represents the Month of Manufacture.
Ex: The 12th character ranging from A-Z represents the month from Jan-Dec sequentially in TATA Motors.
Now, we will get to discuss how to know manufacturing date of car by chassis number online.
How to Decode Vehicle Chassis Number
It is fundamental to figure out how to unravel VIN, particularly on the off chance that you intend to buy a pre-owned vehicle. This number illuminates you about its set of experiences, including – its proprietor, earlier reports of mishaps and fixes. It is likewise indispensable data when you buy or need to guarantee vehicle protection. Admittance to this multitude of subtleties assists you with pursuing an educated choice prior to purchasing a pre-owned vehicle and staying away from bother later.
The VIN of a vehicle comprises of the accompanying components –
WMI or World Manufacturer Identifier
Vehicle Description Section or VDS
The other nine characters indicate the kind of motor, vehicle, uprooting, plan, year of production and so on.
Chronic number
Presently we should dive into translating the VIN of a vehicle.
First Character
Meaning – It signifies in which country the vehicle is made. A digit or a letter set addresses this person. Or, in all likelihood it very well might be a blend of both. For instance, VIN for vehicles fabricated in India begins with MA-ME, MZ.
Initial Three Characters
Meaning – The mix of the initial three characters is WMI. This assists with recognizing the producer of a vehicle. The third person differs and may signify the maker, kind of vehicle or division of the producer which delivered the vehicle.
Fourth to Ninth Characters
Meaning – It addresses the VDS. This sums up the subtleties of the sort of vehicle, model, body motor sort, and the stage where it is fabricated. The eighth person means the kind of motor. Essentially, the 10th person shows a security code or assembling month of the vehicle.
10th to Eleventh Character
Meaning – The 10th person indicates the assembling year of a vehicle. A letter set addresses this person, apportioned to each assembling year beginning around 1981. Other than the assembling year, a 11th person illuminates about the plant where the vehicle is fabricated.
Twelfth to Seventeenth Character
Meaning – The last six characters signify the chronic number of a vehicle.
Purchasing a new or a trade-in vehicle and bicycle includes a huge venture. Subsequently it is your obligation to deal with something very similar. Being familiar with VIN, motor and skeleton numbers makes it more straightforward to follow the innovation of a vehicle and try not to fall into the snares of misrepresentation sellers.